How to find any function in Power Query
- 2 minutes read - 227 wordsHave you ever been looking for a function in the Power Query function documentation and been unable to find the function that you can see right there in the M code Power BI has generated for you?
I know I have especially with functions used to access data sources, well did you know there is a built in set of information right within Power Query! All you have to do is create a new blank query and paste this line of M code.
This will then show you a list of every item within the shared environment in Power Query,this includes every function, datatype, etc. within Power Query. It will also show you any other queries you have in your model.
If you want to learn more about Power Query enviroments I strongly recommend you check out Ben Gribaudo’s Power Query primer, specifically section 21.
You now have every item within Power Query all in one table! To find the function you were looking for more information about just filter the Name column then click on the value column to get further detail about it. For most functions you will see info regarding the parameters, if they are required or optional, and any documentation provided by the functions author.
Screenshot showing the details for Databricks.Query, a function which is not documented directly in the Microsoft documentation